Libraries Love Lakes
Let's get lakes on everyone's radar
Libraries Love Lakes is an outreach project which pairs school and public libraries with lake scientists to provide collaborative programming emphasizing the importance of lakes in our everyday lives.

Why Libraries?
Libraries offer a chance to engage a wide variety of people who may have little knowledge of the ecosystem services provided by lakes. By providing libraries with programming & event resources, we hope to encourage a lifelong appreciation of lakes in their patrons.
Libraries Love Lakes is a collaborative project. If you are interested in organizing a Libraries Love Lakes event, email us at

Planning Your Libraries Love Lakes Event
Any lake scientist can plan a Libraries Love Lakes event! Click below to watch our info session, or email us for more information!

Book Display

Arts & Crafts

Storytime Programs
Create a display of books about lakes! These books can cover a variety of topics from the wildlife surrounding lakes, to ecosystem services, to conservation and the threats facing lakes and freshwater systems today.
Accompanying educational and outreach materials created by Libraries Love Lakes and its partners are available to be displayed alongside the books.
An arts & crafts activity is a fun and simple way to engage with young library patrons and encourage them to think about the role lakes play in their everyday lives. Crafts can be used to start a conversation with library patrons about the basics of lake wildlife and ecosystem, recreation and conservation.
After curating the books for a book display, why not host a storytime? Librarians and collaborating lake scientists are encouraged to pick their favorite lake-related story and share it with library patrons!
This is great kick-off event that encourage patrons to engage with a Libraries Love Lakes display

After Your Event
Following your event, be sure to share pictures, ideas and advice to the rest of the Libraries Love Lakes participants and the broader public and scientific communities!
Share pictures, stories and event insight on Twitter Facebook, and Instagram using the hashtag: #librarieslovelakes
Give us your event feedback by filling out our event exit form. This form will give us valuable insight into events so we can better prepare for Libraries Love Lakes programming!
Contact Us
Please write with any questions, concerns or suggestions, or contact the Libraries Love Lakes planning committee. Join our mailing list below to recieve emails about future info sessions!

Nadia Harvieux
Education Program Manager
Finger Lakes Institute at Hobart & William Smith Colleges
Our Origins
The Libraries Love Lakes outreach project was started in April 2019 following a NE GLEON meeting. NE GLEON (Global Lake Ecological Observation Network) is a group of GLEON members from northeastern North America.
Libraries Love Lakes was inspired by members of the NE GLEON outreach working group who wanted to “put lakes on everyone’s radar”.
In 2019, we have partnered with the NALMS (North American Lake Management Society) to bring Libraries Loves Lakes to a broader audience in preparation for the next Lakes Appreciation Month.